Welcome to The Vein Treatment Center

Established in 1982, The Vein Treatment Center © is the leading New York City medical facility specializing exclusively in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, and related venous disorders.

The methods developed at the facility, including Endonvenous Laser Ablation (EVLT) and now Painless Sclerotherapy, have revolutionized the specialty and are used by physicians worldwide.



Vein Treatments Free Consultation

Meet Dr. Navarro

Dr. Luis Navarro, a Board Certified Phlebologist and vascular specialist, has devoted his professional life to the development of treatments for venous disorders. He has pioneered numerous non-invasive procedures, including EVLT, Combined Therapies, and now PAINLESS SCLEROTHERAPY.

About Dr. Navarro About the VTC

Painless Sclerotherapy

Advancements in technology have revolutionized Sclerotherapy and the treatment of veins on legs, hands and other areas of the body. The Vein Treatment Center has been treating veins for over 30 years with safe, fast, and long lasting cosmetic results.

Sclerotherapy Vein Treatments

Before & After Photos

View our before and after photo galleries that show the results of vein treatments on the legs, hands, face & more.

See for yourself why The Vein Treatment Center is the NYC leader in treating and removing unwanted varicose veins, spider veins, and all venous conditions.

Legs Hands Face



Monthly Archives: September 2020

Pudendal Veins: Definition, Causes, & Treatment

What are pudendal veins? If you are familiar with what varicose veins are or already have this problem, you must be aware of what it actually is and how you can find the best treatment possible. If you notice particular veins to be more visible than other veins, you need to get it checked by a specialist.

Pudendal Veins: Causes, Definition, Treatment

Pain or swellings are common symptoms, and it highly advised not to ignore them at any cost. Many problems may occur moving forward if you do not identify the source of varicose veins and get treatment. Mostly, your abdominal veins or pudendal veins are the main culprits behind varicose veins.

Let’s discuss the pudendal veins, what they mean, what causes it, and how you can find the proper treatment for it.

What are Pudendal Veins?

First, we want to create an understanding of the two types of Pudendal veins, external and internal. Internal pudendal veins refer to the set of veins in the pelvis area. These veins are the venae comitantes or accompanying veins of the internal pudendal artery. They originate from the deep vein area of the vulva and penis and run down to the leg. On the other hand, external pudendal veins are also a set of veins in the pelvis; however, they drain into a large vein of the leg called the great saphenous vein.

What Causes Pudendal Veins?

Well, these veins, as we mentioned above, are present in the upper area of the thigh that runs from the genital area and abdomen right down to the leg. Usually, women develop pudendal veins after pregnancy due to various changes that take place in the pelvic veins from a pregnant uterus. It also happens because of the drastic increase in hormone levels.

These veins primarily occur when the valves of the blood vessels tend to malfunction, resulting in the blood to flow back into the vein. The blood starts accumulating in the veins and obstructs the major pelvic veins. Besides, pudendal veins can occur due to old age, obesity, and even lack of movement.

Are there any Symptoms?

Now that you know what causes this condition, you must learn how you can identify pudendal veins in your body. The symptoms that identify an issue in the pelvic area include a heavy sensation or feeling in the abdominal area, post-coital pain.

You may face irritation in the bladder and a painful menstrual cycle. Note that you will experience these symptoms if the pudendal veins are associated with pelvic congestion syndrome.

How Are They Treated?

First, we need to mention if it’s okay to leave the veins untreated as some people tend not to give it much importance. However, if left untreated, it can lead to severe problems, including rashes, bleeding, soreness, and even blood clots. In cases where your leg swells up, the complications may turn out to be more serious.

Not only that, but leaving the veins untreated can result in seepage of blood into the surrounding tissues. This will result in an inflammation of the tissues and may even cause a discoloration called hyperpigmentation. Furthermore, leg ulcers may also occur from the skin breaking down around the untreated veins.


The diagnosis of pudendal veins is relatively easy through the use of physical examinations and ultrasounds. Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment to eliminate these veins. This treatment involves injecting foam or solution in the veins, which results in inflammation and the blood vessels to narrow. The surgeon then closes the varicose veins following the same process.

However, in some cases, the pudendal veins exist along with other problems. For instance, if the main vein is faulty, the surgeon will first perform other procedures, such as an EVLT, to treat the issue.


Women are likely to develop pudendal veins post-delivery because of the changes that happen in the pelvic area. These veins are one of the main reasons for developing varicose veins. However, both conditions are easy to diagnose and treat.

Sclerotherapy is a painless procedure that eliminates pudendal and varicose veins from your body. So, if you ever face any of the symptoms that indicate pudendal veins, you must call a doctor or visit a specialist.

If you are looking for the best vein clinic in NYC with decades of experience, contact Vein Treatment Center © today. We offer the best treatment options for pudendal and varicose veins, including sclerotherapy, EVLT, and other non-invasive procedures.

800-300-VEIN  |  212-249-6117

327 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065

What is EVLT Treatment for Varicose Veins?

EVLT Vein TreatmentWhat is EVLT Treatment for Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are quite common among people. Females, pregnancy, people above 50 years, those with obesity, a family history of varicose veins or people who don’t have any physical activities/exercise, are more at risk. Doctors prefer physical examination to diagnose varicose veins, but sometimes you might require a few additional tests.

Veins are like a web that makes a path for blood to travel, or we can say it is a highway for blood circulation inside your body. Basically, the veins carry blood pumped by the heart to every part of your body to bring oxygen. The natural movement of your body helps in pumping blood back to the heart. Blood circulation continues by sending clean blood in your veins.

All veins have regulators that act as indicators or sensors. These indicators open and close your veins to make sure that the flow of your blood is in the right direction. However, varicose veins are veins with broken regulators. The flow of blood is backward in a varicose vein to stay in veins. Due to which your vein can stretch, expand, and twist. Hence, it can stop the blood in your body from circulation.

Twisted veins you see under your skin are varicose veins, and they are swollen. Usually, they appear under your legs, but in some cases, it takes place in other parts of the body. Hemorrhoid is one of the types of varicose veins.

Therefore, your veins have one-way valves that keep the direction of your blood flow toward your heart. There is a chance of blood backflow, which can accumulate in a particular spot of your veins due to damage or weak veins. It can cause swelling in the veins, which might lead to varicose veins.

Symptoms Of Varicose Veins

You can always identify varicose veins from their purple or blue color and bulging, twisting, or cord-like appearance. Such conditions often occur in legs because the leg is a path of the blood that is far away from the heart.

Some patients are worried about the look of varicose veins, while other patients experience pain, itching, and tiredness in their legs. In some situations, varicose veins might not cause any pain or itching, but there are other signs/symptoms you may see due to varicose veins:

  • Veins become dark blue or purple in color
  • Appearance of your veins will look bulging and twisted; they will look a lot like cords on your legs.

Therefore, when painful symptoms and signs occur, they might include some more effects:

  • You might experience a heavy and itchy feeling on your legs.
  • Throbbing, burning, muscle cramping, and swelling in the lower part of your legs.
  • After sitting or standing for a long time, you might experience worsened pain.
  • Itchiness around more than one of your veins.
  • Discoloration of your skin around a varicose vein.

Even though spider veins are small, but they are pretty similar to varicose veins. Spider veins are near to the surface of your skin, and they are often red or blue. Spider veins arise on the legs, but sometimes it appears on the face as well in various sizes.

EVLT Treatment for Varicose Veins: What is Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy?

Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy EVLT Vein TreatmentEndovenous laser ablation therapy (EVLT or EVLA) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses lasers, catheters, and ultrasound to treat varicose veins. Doctors often perform this procedure on veins that are still fairly untwisted and straight. After endovenous laser ablation therapy (EVLT), the recovery time duration is sufficient. As a result, patients will be more feasible to have an opportunity of being more youthful, healthy legs. EVLT is a common and effective treatment; a physician at AVT repeatedly prefers EVLT.

EVLT procedure starts with an interventional radiologist placing in a catheter into the varicose vein. Experts use ultrasound to examine the inside function of the patient, so they guide the catheter through the vein. There is a laser attached at the end of catheter to heat the walls of the vein and closes it. As a result, the blood flowing through the veins stops.

Your body starts recovering after the procedure. Since the procedure stops the blood flow through a faulty vein, the blood circulation becomes more efficient, and the damaged vein fades and shrinks.

Advantages Of Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy (EVLT)

Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy EVLT Vein TreatmentEVLT procedure roughly takes an hour, and most patients can immediately continue their normal activities. They don’t even need to admit themselves to hospital. After an EVLT, doctors usually prescribe their patients to wear compression socks. Because it will help them recover faster and allow the blood to circulate more efficiently.

Compression socks decrease the chances of swelling or bruising that might happen after the procedure. To make sure no clots are forming in the treated veins, doctors must perform an ultrasound frequently. However, Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy (EVLT) treatment for varicose veins have many perks but below are the most common advantages of its procedure;

  • The treatment will roughly take 1 hour to perform
  • During the whole process, doctors require only one small incision.
  • You can proceed with your regular activities right after the treatment.

Moreover, we recommend you to be sure while considering EVLT treatment for varicose veins. Before finalizing your decision, consult with your doctor, learn more about the treatment, or simply contact the best NYC vein experts. Explore other options and decide which treatment you want for your varicose veins.

Consult The Vein Treatment Center ©, NYC’s #1 Vein Clinic

The Vein Treatment Center
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065


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