Welcome to The Vein Treatment Center

Established in 1982, The Vein Treatment Center © is the leading New York City medical facility specializing exclusively in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, and related venous disorders.

The methods developed at the facility, including Endonvenous Laser Ablation (EVLT) and now Painless Sclerotherapy, have revolutionized the specialty and are used by physicians worldwide.



Vein Treatments Free Consultation

Meet Dr. Navarro

Dr. Luis Navarro, a Board Certified Phlebologist and vascular specialist, has devoted his professional life to the development of treatments for venous disorders. He has pioneered numerous non-invasive procedures, including EVLT, Combined Therapies, and now PAINLESS SCLEROTHERAPY.

About Dr. Navarro About the VTC

Painless Sclerotherapy

Advancements in technology have revolutionized Sclerotherapy and the treatment of veins on legs, hands and other areas of the body. The Vein Treatment Center has been treating veins for over 30 years with safe, fast, and long lasting cosmetic results.

Sclerotherapy Vein Treatments

Before & After Photos

View our before and after photo galleries that show the results of vein treatments on the legs, hands, face & more.

See for yourself why The Vein Treatment Center is the NYC leader in treating and removing unwanted varicose veins, spider veins, and all venous conditions.

Legs Hands Face



Monthly Archives: June 2021

What are Sclerotherapy Injections for Vein Removal?

What are sclerotherapy injections and how do they work for vein removal? Varicose or spider veins are a treatable condition. For the treatment, you need to undergo a medical procedure that involves completely removing the affected veins. A vein treatment doctor will suggest sclerotherapy for alleviating the appearance of veins.

How do Sclerotherapy Injections Remove Unsightly Veins?

This treatment involves giving the patient an injection containing a solution. The doctor will inject the solution directly into the vein, shrinking it down. Once the solution enters the vein, it irritates the walls of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse. When the vein shrinks, it extracts the blood, which causes it to clot. With time, the vein will dissolve. Sclerotherapy is not a new treatment. People are been using this treatment since the 1930s to remove bulging veins from their bodies. At The Vein Treatment Center, the general surgeon Dr. Luis Navarro has over 30 years of experience treating veins. He has pioneered vein treatment, and opened one of the first vein centers in NYC.

Sclerotherapy Injections for Vein Removal

Conditions that Can Benefit from Sclerotherapy

You can undergo sclerotherapy to treat spider and varicose veins. A varicose vein is a chronic venous insufficiency developed due to various reasons. Generally, people develop varicose veins on their legs. But, they may appear on other parts of the body as well. You may develop varicose veins because of a weak inner lining of the vein. When this happens, the valves lose their ability to function. These valves maintain the forward flow of blood, preventing blood from moving backward. When valves fail to function properly, blood will pool inside the veins, causing them to expand.

Varicose veins can become a painful condition and cause skin diseases, such as rashes and infections. You can shrink the veins using Sclerotherapy Injections, thereby preventing vein damage. As a result, the vein grows less visible. Because swelling in the veins causes pain, shrinking it will reduce the intensity. Besides varicose and spider veins, you can also treat the following conditions with sclerotherapy:

1.     Malformed Lymph Vessels

Lymph vessels supply lymph or lymphatic fluid throughout the body. This helps your immune system eliminate external bodies that can cause infection or allergies.

2.     Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids develop due to the irritation and swelling of blood vessels around the rectum. You can use Sclerotherapy Injections to shrink these vessels. Doctors recommend this treatment as a last resort when other treatments fail to offer relief. Symptoms of Hemorrhoids include uncomfortable bowel movement and pain.

3.     Hydroceles

This condition affects the testicles due to unhealthy fluid development in the body. This condition can also affect other parts of the body.

Do You Need Sclerotherapy?

It’s not necessary that you opt for sclerotherapy to alleviate varicose or spider veins. Rather, it’s important that you consult a vein treatment specialist first. They will suggest a treatment plan according to your symptoms and intensity. Doctors may suggest less invasive and more affordable treatment options for your condition. The doctor will recommend sclerotherapy injections if you have these symptoms:

  1. When the veins are causing pain
  2. When your skin is becoming dry or patchy
  3. When you develop rash around varicose veins
  4. When you feel heavy or sore in your legs

Best Sclerotherapy Injections for Vein Removal

Before the Procedure

Before your treatment, you should avoid some medications. Hence, it’s important to inform the doctor of any medication or dietary supplements you consume. They may also ask you to avoid certain substances, such as antibiotics. For safety, you should avoid applying lotion on the area as it may enter your body through the point of injection. Many doctors recommend avoiding ibuprofen, aspirin, or other anti-inflammatory medication 48 to 72 hours before the treatment.

During the Procedure

When you will visit the doctor for sclerotherapy, they will evaluate the problem and identify the varicose vein. It’s a quick procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia, so you’ll receive the injection in the doctor’s office.

During the procedure, you have to lay on your back. The doctor will begin by cleaning the skin above the varicose vein and then injecting the solution into the vein. You will feel slight pain when the needle enters your body. After the solution enters the vein, you may either feel tingling, burning, or nothing at all.

After completely injecting the solution, the vein treatment doctor will massage the location. This will prevent blood from entering the vein again. The doctor will also suggest you wear compression socks or a pad to build pressure in the area.

Depending on your condition, you may or may not need another visit. However, you do need to see your doctor for a follow-up. They will inspect the vein and check if it collapsed completely. If they notice that the vein is swelling again, you’ll need follow-up treatment. Similarly, if you have multiple varicose veins, you’ll need to undergo treatment multiple times.

After the Procedure

You should keep yourself active to prevent the blood from clotting. You may develop dark spots and patches on the treated area because of overexposure to the sun. Therefore, prevent direct sunlight exposure to the area. Some people also notice bruising and tenderness on the injected area but this recovers over time.

Sclerotherapy Injections for Vein Removal: Conclusion

Are you developing varicose veins on your legs and other parts of the body? You should consult with a vein treatment doctor. They will diagnose your condition and advise you on whether you need sclerotherapy or not. The Vein Treatment Center in NYC offers the best treatment for any venous condition. Contact us at 212-249-6117 to make an appointment with our highly qualified surgeons.

Blue Veins on Face

Do you notice blue veins on your face? Are they bulging and swelling on your face or any other part of your body? This is a sign that you have developed spider veins or varicose veins. These veins can grow prominent on various parts of the body, such as arms, chests, and legs. Most people develop these veins on their legs and knees. Whether these veins appear in your legs or face, you should to visit a doctor who specializes in treating varicose veins. This is a common condition, but leaving it untreated may result in the veins growing larger and more prominent. These veins may cause discomfort and aching pain, but only in rare conditions. Blue veins, spider veins, or varicose veins are merely cosmetic problems. You can seek medical help to address the problem by visiting the best vein center in new york city, The Vein Treatment Center.

Blue Veins on Face

What Are Blue Veins on the Face?

The role of the veins in your body is to return blood to the heart after supplying oxygen to the organs. But, when veins are unable to maintain blood flow and blood starts accumulating, the veins start bulging. This is only one reason for blue veins. It’s possible that you’ve developed this condition for other reasons.

You can also refer to the condition as feeder veins, reticular veins, or intradermal veins. Blue veins are green or bluish veins that develop under the skin. These veins are more prominent and extensive than spider veins, but smaller than varicose veins. Usually appeared around your chest, knees, and thighs, these veins can be painful, but only in rare conditions. The size of these veins may range between one to three millimeters.

Many people think that blue veins are normal and part of the aging process, which prevents them from seeking treatment. This is a misconception, and treatment is quite extensive. Generally, blue veins are not a threat, but as time passes by, they are at the risk of growing severe. The condition is common in both men and women. You may find blue veins on your face or chest for numerous reasons.

Symptoms of Blue Veins on Face

It is not necessary that you feel pain after blue vein development. In fact, most people feel nothing but just notice a bulging vein appearing on their forehead. Here are some symptoms of blue veins on the face.

  • Blue or dark vein appearing on the forehead. These are bulging and twisted cord-like veins.
  • You may feel heavy or pain around the vein.
  • Itching around the vein.
  • Skin discoloration
  • Swelling
  • Burning

Causes of Blue Vein on Face

In most conditions, people develop blue veins due to the aging process. As you grow older, your skin becomes thinner, increasing the visibility of the veins underneath. Increasing age may also develop the risk of vascular issues. You may also notice these blue-tinged veins if your skin is pale. Similarly, these veins increase in visibility if you lose body weight. People with tighter skin due to little body fat can develop blue veins too. Here are some common causes of bulgy veins on your face:

1.     Pressure or Strain

Bulgy veins on the face may appear after a good laugh. Continuous laughing increases the pressure in your chest. This expands the veins, making them visible on the skin. Similarly, when you exercise, sneeze, or vomit, the pressure can cause your veins to expand. The pressure may also increase due to eye strain and tension headaches. Many symptoms can be the result of a critical condition. Therefore, visit the doctor when you experience:

  • Dizziness
  • Severe pain
  • Vision issues

2.     Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you experience numerous hormonal changes in your body. Progesterone and estrogen production weakens and widens your veins. Consequently, blood flow also increases. This increase in the blood flow will expand the veins, causing blood accumulation. When this happens, you will develop blue veins on your face and other parts of the body.

Blue Veins on Face treatment

3.     High Blood Pressure

When excessive blood flows through the veins on your face, you will notice blue veins. The blood flow may increase due to high blood pressure expanding the veins on your face. Experiencing this problem can be a symptom of heart issues. When you are suffering from chest pain accompanied by blue veins, you need to seek immediate medical attention.

4.     Sun exposure

Blue veins also appear due to constant sun exposure or frequent sunburn. The sun enlarges or dilates the blood vessels on your face. As a result, your veins start to bulge. Furthermore, it also weakens the skin tissue around your veins, making them visible. If your veins are weak, they won’t shrink back to normal size due to overexposure to the sun.

Blue Veins on the Face: Conclusion

Other reasons can also cause your veins to bulge, causing blue veins. Bulging veins along with headaches can be symptoms of other severe conditions. So, if you notice irregular symptoms, you should visit a doctor. If you live in NYC, you can visit The Vein Treatment Center for the treatment of these veins.

Consult with an expert in our treatment center to discuss your venous issues. Our highly qualified surgeons will diagnose your condition and advise appropriate treatment. Give us a call at 212-249-6117 and talk to our experts to learn more about blue veins.