Welcome to The Vein Treatment Center

Established in 1982, The Vein Treatment Center © is the leading New York City medical facility specializing exclusively in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, and related venous disorders.

The methods developed at the facility, including Endonvenous Laser Ablation (EVLT) and now Painless Sclerotherapy, have revolutionized the specialty and are used by physicians worldwide.



Vein Treatments Free Consultation

Meet Dr. Navarro

Dr. Luis Navarro, a Board Certified Phlebologist and vascular specialist, has devoted his professional life to the development of treatments for venous disorders. He has pioneered numerous non-invasive procedures, including EVLT, Combined Therapies, and now PAINLESS SCLEROTHERAPY.

About Dr. Navarro About the VTC

Painless Sclerotherapy

Advancements in technology have revolutionized Sclerotherapy and the treatment of veins on legs, hands and other areas of the body. The Vein Treatment Center has been treating veins for over 30 years with safe, fast, and long lasting cosmetic results.

Sclerotherapy Vein Treatments

Before & After Photos

View our before and after photo galleries that show the results of vein treatments on the legs, hands, face & more.

See for yourself why The Vein Treatment Center is the NYC leader in treating and removing unwanted varicose veins, spider veins, and all venous conditions.

Legs Hands Face



Monthly Archives: April 2022

Is Spider Vein Treatment Painful?

Is spider vein treatment painful? Spider veins are tiny and bulging capillaries that appear on the skin surface. These web-like capillaries are common above the age of 50 years. Usually, people develop these capillaries on the legs. These veins are harmless but affect the skin’s appearance. Symptoms of these spider web like veins include weakness, cramping, and swelling. In extreme cases, these veins lead to bleeding and pain.

Is Spider Vein Treatment Painful?

What Causes Spider Veins?

You may develop a spider vein for various reasons such as excessive pressure on the vein and elasticity. This results in damaged or weakened valves. When this happens the blood fails to move towards the heart from the lower limbs. This allows reflux of the blood in the wrong direction. With time, the blood begins to pool inside the vein causing a bluish or reddish network of the vein to appear under the skin.

Usually, people with excessive weight develop spider veins because of increased pressure in the lower limbs. The pressure on the valves results in poor blood circulation.

These veins may also appear on the face because of increased exposure to sun rays. Sun damage causes tiny blood vessels to burst and spread.

Steps to Prevent Spider Veins

You can prevent spider vein by following many methods:

  • Avoid heated areas such as saunas to prevent skin to flush
  • Cover your skin or wear sunscreen to prevent spider veins
  • Maintain a healthy diet and improve blood circulation
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes, especially on your legs and midsection
  • Use compression stocking to prevent swelling in your legs

Effective Spider Vein Treatment

Laser therapy and sclerotherapy are effective treatments for spider veins. Vein specialists have been suggesting laser therapies for a decade. However, sclerotherapy is a new treatment for this condition. Both treatments effectively remove spider veins. But, many people think that these are invasive treatments and can be painful. However, that’s not true. Both laser therapies and sclerotherapy are minimally invasive treatments. Furthermore, these treatments are painless and don’t involve extensive surgeries.

·       Laser Therapy

During laser therapies, the doctor uses a laser device to remove spider veins. There are two types of laser therapies, which are simple laser therapy and endovenous laser therapy. In simple laser therapy, the doctor uses a laser device to eliminate spider veins. They use a laser device over the skin. On the other hand, in endovenous laser therapy, the doctor insert catheter with a laser inside the vein to seal the veins. In both these laser treatments, the doctor uses local anesthesia to keep the area surrounding the veins numb.

When the doctor seals the spider vein, the blood flows out of the vein. The circulation system abandons this vein and shifts the flow to healthy veins. Over time, the spider vein fades away.

·       Sclerotherapy

In this procedure, the doctor injects sclerosant inside the veins. This substance irritates the inner wall of the vein and forces the vein to close. The procedure is similar to laser therapies. The only difference is the use of the substance. In laser therapies, the doctor uses a focused laser to scar tissues. However, in sclerotherapy, they use a sclerosant solution to close the vein. Once the vein is not functional, the body absorbs it.

Is Spider Vein Treatment Painful | Best Vein Treatment

Post-Sclerotherapy Treatment and Care

Keep in mind that both treatments destroy the veins and cause discomfort and swelling. But, various preventions can reduce the pain and discomfort.

  • The doctor will prescribe over-the-counter medications such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol. You can take these medications for one or two days after the treatment.
  • Compression pads and stockings can help reduce inflammation. Furthermore, these tight garments can prevent veins from reappearing. Wear compression clothing for a week after treatment.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sun rays. Excessive sunlight can cause pain, irritation, and swelling in the treated area. If you can’t avoid sunlight, cover the skin or wear sunscreen. Protection against sunlight is highly important to avoid reaction to the skin.

If you decide to take the procedure, you should consult with a professional vein specialist who offers both laser therapy and sclerotherapy. The doctor will guide you about the procedures in detail and how these treatment methods remove spider veins from the body.

Is Spider Vein Treatment Painful? ​Conclusion

Do you live in New York and want to consult a professional vein specialist? If yes then you should visit Dr. Luis Navarro. Dr. Navarro is the top NYC vein specialist in performing laser therapy and sclerotherapy for vein removal. You can contact us at 212-249-6117 for an appointment or visit The Vein Treatment Center ©.

At The Vein Treatment Center, we ensure that you receive effective treatment for your venous condition. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

The Vein Treatment Center ©
Luis Navarro MD FACS
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

All About Veins and Arteries

Learning all about veins and arteries can help you properly diagnose and treat aesthetic and more serious venous conditions. Dealing with venous issues isn’t as easy as it may appear. Your daily lifestyle and activities can take a toll on veins, how they look on the surface, and can exacerbate more serious conditions.

All About Veins and Arteries

For one, all professional surgeons and doctors suggest that you take proactive actions and receive immediate medical attention in case you’re suffering from a progressing vascular disease or disorder. Here’s what you must know about veins and arteries

Discussing Veins and Arteries: A Quick Overview

Nearly all vertebrates have a circulatory system that plays a major role in the living function of the body. It comprises arteries and veins as the primary components of the entire system. Working together, both types of blood vessels are responsible for moving blood between the heart and different parts of the body. Our heart is the main component of the circulatory system and is responsible for oxygenating red blood cells while removing waste from them at the same time. While one type of blood vessel takes the oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body, the other type of blood vessel does the opposite.


What are veins, and how’re they different from arteries? Well, the answer to that is very simple. Veins are blood vessels responsible for transporting deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body to the heart.


As veins fulfill one of the major roles of healthy blood circulation in the body, arteries are responsible for the other. Arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body where oxygen and energy are needed.


The small and thin blood vessels that connect the veins with arteries are known as blood capillaries. The thin structure of blood capillaries allows the distribution of waste, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and oxygen from and to the tissue cells. Capillaries, especially on the face, are often where spider veins occur.

Types of Blood Vessels in the Circulatory System

There’s not just one type and form of each blood vessel. In fact, veins and arteries have different types. In this section, we will take a look at the main types of veins and arteries.

Types of Veins

Let’s take a look at the four main types of veins that exist in our circulatory system:

  • Superficial veins are the closest to the skin surface and don’t have any linked arteries (i.e., corresponding ones).
  • Systematic veins are the major type of veins in the body responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood to the heart from different parts of the body. They’re spread throughout the body and cover the entire human structure from the legs to the neck.
  • Deep veins carry corresponding arteries in the surroundings and are present inside the muscle tissue.
  • Pulmonary veins are solely responsible for the blood flow between the lungs and the heart. Each lung has two pulmonary veins set that take the deoxygenated blood to the heart.

Types of Arteries

Similar to the veins, arteries also have several different types. Here’re the three major types of arteries that make your arterial structure in the circulatory system:

  • Muscular arteries aren’t very big. Rather, they’re medium-sized when compared to all other arteries. Muscular arteries are responsible for drawing blood from the elastic arteries. Then, these form or diverge into resistance vessels that are composed of arterioles and arteries.
  • Elastic arteries, also known as a conduit or conducting arteries, comprise a thick middle layer. This allows them to stretch according to the blood flow and pressure. For instance, when the blood pressure is high (rapid heartbeat), the thick layer may stretch and adjust to allow for speedy blood flow.
  • Arterioles are tiny divisions of the arteries. These are responsible for carrying away blood from the heart directly towards the capillary networks for transportation.

Veins and Arteries | Vein Treatment NYC

What Happens When Blood Vessels Experience Damage?

Different types of medical conditions and disorders can spring up due to a variety of risk factors. Damage to the blood vessels such as arteries, veins, or both can result in insufficient blood circulation within the body, leading to several major health issues. You must contact a professional and experienced vascular surgeon to deal with vascular diseases and disorders if you’ve noticed any major symptoms.

All About Veins & Arteries: Conclusion

Do you struggle with vascular disease or disorder? Do you want to resume daily activities the way you used to? Get the required treatment and healthcare services from our healthcare institute, The Vein Treatment Center ©. Established in 1982 as the first medical facility in New York City dedicated exclusively to the treatment of veins, Dr. Luis Navarro provides expert treatment to most venous conditions.

Call us today at 212-249-6117 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Navarro. He can assess your existing medical condition and provide the best recommendations based on your opinion.