Welcome to The Vein Treatment Center

Established in 1982, The Vein Treatment Center © is the leading New York City medical facility specializing exclusively in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, and related venous disorders.

The methods developed at the facility, including Endonvenous Laser Ablation (EVLT) and now Painless Sclerotherapy, have revolutionized the specialty and are used by physicians worldwide.



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Meet Dr. Navarro

Dr. Luis Navarro, a Board Certified Phlebologist and vascular specialist, has devoted his professional life to the development of treatments for venous disorders. He has pioneered numerous non-invasive procedures, including EVLT, Combined Therapies, and now PAINLESS SCLEROTHERAPY.

About Dr. Navarro About the VTC

Painless Sclerotherapy

Advancements in technology have revolutionized Sclerotherapy and the treatment of veins on legs, hands and other areas of the body. The Vein Treatment Center has been treating veins for over 30 years with safe, fast, and long lasting cosmetic results.

Sclerotherapy Vein Treatments

Before & After Photos

View our before and after photo galleries that show the results of vein treatments on the legs, hands, face & more.

See for yourself why The Vein Treatment Center is the NYC leader in treating and removing unwanted varicose veins, spider veins, and all venous conditions.

Legs Hands Face



Category Archives: Spider Veins

Common Myths About Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

In this article, we will debunk some of the most common myths and misconceptions about varicose veins and spider veins. These types of veins are common medical conditions that affect many people, especially women. While these conditions are often seen as purely cosmetic issues, they can also cause discomfort and pain in some cases. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions about varicose veins and spider veins that can lead to confusion and misinformation.

Common Myths About Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

Myth #1: Varicose Veins and Spider Veins are the Same Thing

While varicose veins and spider veins are both caused by problems with the veins, they are not the same thing. Varicose veins are larger, bulging veins that often appear blue or purple and can cause pain and discomfort. Spider veins, on the other hand, are smaller veins that appear closer to the surface of the skin and often appear as red or blue lines. While spider veins are usually not painful, they can be unsightly and can cause self-consciousness in some people.

Myth #2: Varicose Veins and Spider Veins are Only a Cosmetic Issue

While varicose veins and spider veins can be unsightly, they can also cause discomfort and pain in some cases. Varicose veins can cause aching, throbbing, and swelling in the legs, while spider veins can cause itching or burning sensations. Additionally, if left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more serious health issues such as blood clots and ulcers.

Myth #3: Only Women Get Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

While women are more likely to develop varicose veins and spider veins than men, both conditions can affect anyone, regardless of gender. In fact, according to the American College of Phlebology, up to 45% of men will develop some form of vein disease in their lifetime.

Myth #4: Crossing Your Legs Causes Varicose Veins

While crossing your legs can cause temporary discomfort and may exacerbate existing varicose veins, it does not cause varicose veins. Varicose veins are caused by weakened or damaged valves in the veins that prevent blood from flowing properly. Factors such as genetics, age, pregnancy, and standing or sitting for long periods of time can all contribute to the development of varicose veins.

Myth #5: Surgery is the Only Treatment for Varicose Veins

While surgery was once the primary treatment option for varicose veins, there are now several non-surgical treatment options available, including endovenous laser therapy (EVLT), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and sclerotherapy. These treatments are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime, making them a great option for those who cannot take time off work or have other obligations.

best laser spider vein treatment clinic nyc 2023 2024

Common Myths About Varicose Veins and Spider Veins: Conclusion

There are many myths and misconceptions about varicose veins and spider veins that can lead to confusion and misinformation. While these conditions are often seen as purely cosmetic issues, they can also cause discomfort and pain in some cases. If you are suffering from varicose veins or spider veins, it is important to consult with a vein specialist to determine the best treatment option for your individual needs.

Get Expert Vein Treatment at The Vein Treatment Center © in NYC

At the Vein Treatment Center ©, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care to our patients. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes and offer a variety of treatment options to meet your individual needs. Don’t let common myths and misconceptions prevent you from seeking treatment for your varicose veins or spider veins – contact us today to take the first step towards healthier, more beautiful legs.

Our experienced vein specialists can help you determine the best treatment option for your individual needs, whether it be a non-surgical option like EVLT or sclerotherapy, or a more invasive surgical option. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

Vein Treatment Center ©
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

Established in 1982

Who we are

Understanding Spider Veins: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

best Spider Veins Treatment 2023What are spider veins causes, symptoms, and treatment options?How can Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear near the surface of the skin, often resembling a spider’s web or tree branches. They are commonly found on the legs and face and can be red, blue, or purple in color. Although spider veins are usually not painful or harmful, they can cause cosmetic concerns for those affected. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for spider veins, and how the #1 vein treatment clinic in New York City, the Vein Treatment Center©, can help.

Spider Veins Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Causes and Risk Factors of Spider Veins

Spider veins occur when the small valves inside the blood vessels become weak or damaged, causing blood to pool and the vessels to dilate. Several factors can increase your risk of developing spider veins, including:


As you grow older, your blood vessels may lose elasticity, increasing the likelihood of developing spider veins.


Women are more likely to develop spider veins due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation.

Family history

Genetics can play a role in the development of spider veins, with a higher risk if a close family member has them.

Prolonged standing or sitting

Remaining in one position for extended periods can cause blood to pool in the veins, increasing the risk of spider veins.


Excess body weight can put additional pressure on your blood vessels, contributing to the development of spider veins.

Symptoms of Spider Veins

Spider veins are typically painless and do not cause any physical symptoms. However, they can be visually unappealing and may cause emotional distress or self-consciousness. In some cases, spider veins may cause mild itching or burning sensations.

Treatment Options for Spider Veins

There are several effective treatment options for spider veins, which can help improve their appearance and alleviate any discomfort they may cause. Some of the most common treatments include:

Spider vein best sclerotherapy 2023Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the spider veins, causing them to collapse and eventually fade away. This is a minimally invasive procedure with a high success rate.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy uses focused light energy to target and destroy spider veins. This non-invasive treatment is particularly effective for small, superficial veins and may require multiple sessions for optimal results.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy

IPL therapy utilizes pulses of light to target and break down spider veins. This non-invasive treatment is effective for both spider veins and other skin discolorations.


Veinwave™ is a minimally invasive, in-office procedure that uses thermocoagulation to treat spider veins. This treatment involves the application of heat to the affected veins, causing them to collapse and gradually fade away.

Contact the Vein Treatment Center© in New York City

If you are concerned about the appearance of spider veins, the Vein Treatment Center©, established in 1982, offers state-of-the-art treatment options. Dr. Luis Navarro and his experienced team are dedicated to providing personalized care to address your unique needs. The vein clinic is located at 327 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065.

To schedule a consultation, call 212-249-6117. As the #1 vein treatment clinic in New York City, we are committed to helping you achieve healthier, more beautiful skin. Don’t let spider veins impact your confidence—contact us today and take the first step towards a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

The Vein Treatment Center ©
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

Click to Schedule a Free Consultation

Spider Veins on Face: Causes and Treatments

How do you go about treating spider veins on the face? Spider veins are a network of veins that appear on your face mirroring the look of branches or spider webs. They have broken blood vessels that can be red, purple, or blue. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins do not cause pain, but as they appear on the face, they can significantly affect a person’s confidence and self-esteem.

Spider veins on face | Best vein treatment center NYC

These veins can appear on the face for several different reasons that can be both external and internal. Biological and environmental factors play a significant role in creating broken blood vessels on your face.

Causes of Spider Veins on Face

Following are some of the main reasons that cause spider veins on the face:

1.     Hereditary

If anyone in your family has spider veins on your face, for example, your mother or grandmother, you are most likely to get them too. Varicose veins and spider veins are primarily hereditary and can significantly influence genetics.

2.     Hormones

Hormonal imbalance, especially in women during pregnancy and menopause, can create spider veins on the face. These hormonal issues can easily affect blood and estrogen levels, which can significantly impact your veins. The reason that hormones play such a significant role in the creation of these veins makes women more prone to contracting them.

3.     Extreme Temperature

Close contact with extreme temperatures, such as alleviated hot and cold surrounding, can cause your thin blood vessels on the face to expand or explode, which cause a web-like appearance on your face.

4.     Sun Exposure

Exposure to the sun for a prolonged period without protecting your skin with any sunscreen or UV protection harms your tiny blood vessels to rupture and hence, causes spider veins.

5.     Ongoing Diseases

If you experience any pre-existing diseases like ongoing skin or liver diseases, they impact the proper blood flow in your veins. Issues like these are also essential for contracting spider veins on the face.

Ways to Get Rid of Spider Veins on the Face

Several ways and treatments can help you get rid of spider veins and even eliminate them permanently. However, your face will require extra care after any procedure by avoiding direct exposure to the sun and extreme temperatures. Here are some of the best treatments that can help you get rid of spider veins on your face:

1.     Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive process and an excellent, painless, cost-effective way of treating spider veins. This procedure injects an injection filled with a chemical solution into your affected veins on the face. This makes the veins close, harden, and then vanish away, returning to their standard size and structure. This procedure reduces swelling in the veins and showcases immediate results in most cases.

2.     Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is another effective way that treats spider veins on the face by targeting them with a light beam that seals and further dissolves the blood vessels. This process can cause you one to three sessions to provide desirable results and cause no severe side effects.

3.     IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

The IPL treatment is quite similar to Laser. However, this treatment targets the spider veins directly, getting to the second layer of your skin without affecting the top layer. This process also kills bacteria on the face and can significantly help acne.

4.     Radiofrequency and Electrocautery

These two procedures are the best treatment for tiny spider veins that cannot be treated through a Laser or any other procedure. A thin needle-like tip is used to vaporize and make the veins disappear from your face. This procedure is quick and provides meager chances of any scarring.

Spider veins on face causes | Vein Treatment Clinic NYC

5.     Retinol Creams

Retinol creams mixed with vitamin A can effectively reduce and minimize spider veins on the face as they create collagen that helps regenerate new cells by removing the outer layer of your skin. This helps you have a refreshed look with minimum to no veins on the face showing. Your health care provider can guide you regarding the appropriate balance of retinoids for your skin.

Spider Veins on the Face: Conclusion

The mentioned above are the leading causes and the best treatments to get rid of spider veins on the face. If you want the best option to treat veins on your face, you can schedule a free consultation with our experts at The Vein Treatment Center ©.

The Vein Treatment Center ©
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

Spider Veins – An Overview

Are you looking for an overview of spider veins? Small, thin veins are generally called spider veins, which vary in color and are located just below the skin’s surface. They are so-called spider veins because they resemble spider webs. Here is a brief overview of spider veins to help you understand their causes, symptoms, and treatments:

Causes of Spider Veins

Weak valves within the feeder’s veins, which allow blood flow to move backward rather than upwards toward the heart, are the root cause of spider veins inside the leg, hand, and face. A portion of this fueled blood can result in “dead end” veins, or non-functioning veins, which appear beneath the skin’s surface as spider veins.

Spider Veins An Overview

Spider veins can appear in a variety of sizes. They may cause you to feel self-conscious; however, most therapies are typically only done for cosmetic benefits.

Symptoms of Spider Veins

Numerous people eventually experience problems with their vein health and are more likely to acquire spider veins for several reasons. However, the most common symptoms of spider veins are:

Obesity: Excessive weight pressure causes veins to swell, further affecting the blood flow.

Pregnancy: A woman’s blood volume increases double times to support the growing fetus in the womb. This increased blood flow during pregnancy results in the enlargement of veins and the creation of spider veins.

Age: While older and younger people are equally prone to this disease, spider veins can progress with time and age due to the wear and tear of the vein valves with time. This wear and tear cause blood pooling because of improper blood flow.

Gender: Women are more prone to contract spider veins due to the continuous altering of hormones during menopause and even pregnancy.

Sedentary Lifestyle: A lifestyle that requires you to stand or sit for prolonged period results in restricted blood flow that leads to blood pooling.

Genetics: If you have members in the family already having spider veins, your chances of suffering from spider veins increase to a great extent.

Treatments for Spider Veins

There are strategies to reduce your risk of getting spider veins and techniques to lessen the symptoms. While some lifestyle changes can help you suppress spider veins from increasing and also make them go away, severe cases require vein treatments and cosmetic surgeries. Here are all the ways by which you can treat spider veins:

Exercising and Diet

A healthy and active lifestyle can improve spider veins to a great extent. Such as walking daily or carrying out exercises that promote appropriate amount and speed of blood flow is necessary. In addition to consuming a nutritious diet, such as adding fibers and minerals to your diet while subtracting excessive salt, sugar, and processed foods can also prove to be very useful.

Spider Veins An Overview

Improved Lifestyle

Improving your lifestyle and positions that require you to stand or sit for extended periods should be changed by taking short breaks to walk, or changing sitting positions can help. While alleviating your legs above your heart position also promotes healthy blood circulation in the veins and decreases stress and pressure.

Compression Socks

These socks enhance blood flow while lowering vein pressure, ultimately relieving discomfort, a typical side effect of spider veins. Wearing compression socks not only offers you a soothing effect but also alleviates swelling by reducing spider veins.


A salt solution is injected into the afflicted area during sclerotherapy, forcing the veins to break. The area might be sore for a couple of days, and it might bruise, but the bruising should go away within a couple of weeks. Multiple treatments may be necessary for sclerotherapy. The injections may be slightly uncomfortable.

Laser Treatment

In laser therapy, microscopic blood clots are formed due to laser light pulses directed towards the spider veins. Once blocked, the blood arteries are gradually absorbed into the body.

Spider Veins – An Overview: Conclusion

Spider veins are mostly less painful but can be a significant concern if not treated efficiently. If you are looking for the best treatment for your spider veins, get in touch with us at The Vein Treatment Center ©. For over 30 years, we have been the preeminent medical clinic in New York City dedicated exclusively to the treatment of veins.

Call today for your free consultation.

The Vein Treatment Center ©
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

Spider Vein Removal: What to Expect

Are you interested in getting spider vein removal and are curious what to expect during the procedure? Sclerotherapy is a surgical procedure that is used to remove spider veins. Sclerotherapy entails injecting a solution (usually a salt solution) into a vein directly. The solution irritates the blood vessel lining, collapsing and sticking together, causing the blood to clot. The vessel eventually turns into scar tissue and fades from sight.

Spider Vein Removal: What to Expect?

Sclerotherapy is the most widely used procedure for spider veins that removes the swelling and bulging from your veins without excessive costs or causing any major side effects. Here is everything you need to know about Sclerotherapy and what you need to expect regarding the procedure:

Who is an Eligible Candidate for Sclerotherapy?

Before sclerotherapy, you would have to meet a dermatologist or vascular surgeon to evaluate if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.If you are pregnant, you are ineligible. If you are on contraceptive pills, you can have sclerotherapy. If you have previously had a blood clot, your eligibility will be determined on an individual basis, based on the overall health of the part requiring treatment and the cause of the clot.

The veins mainly used for heart surgeries such as bypass are usually avoided from being used for sclerotherapy unless they are already considered and are useless.

What is the Process of Sclerotherapy?

The process of sclerotherapy usually takes only fifteen to thirty minutes. In this procedure, the chemical solution is injected into your veins through a very thin needle-like instrument. You might feel a little discomfort or bearable pain for only about a few minutes, which will soon subside.

The severity of your spider veins and how many of them you have decides how many veins will be injected per session, and the process could take more time due to the affected area’s size. The sclerotherapy is done in the vein doctor’s or vascular surgeon’s clinic, which will only require you to not perform extensive exercise or aerobics a few days after the surgery.

How to Prepare for Sclerotherapy?

Before two days of surgery, you should stop taking any medications your surgeon does not allow. Ask them about any drugs, over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and supplements you have been taking.

Before taking any antibiotics, contact your surgeon and ask about it. You should also not apply creams or lotions on the surface that is about to be operated on, whether on your face or your legs.

Most doctors for the sclerotherapy procedure ask their patients to avoid medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, Nuprin, Advil, Motrin, or other anti0inflammatory drugs two to three days before surgery.

What Side-Effects can Sclerotherapy cause?

Although sclerotherapy is harmless and poses no such severe side effects people with susceptible skin might feel itching after the procedure, which would last only a few days. Red patches on the operated areas are also standard and will return to their normal shape within a few days. These side effects are always milder, but you should immediately contact your surgeon if you experience any side effects.

Best Spider Vein Removal Center NYC

What to Expect after Sclerotherapy?

As sclerotherapy is a non-invasive procedure, you can continue your daily activity after the procedure. However, if your legs were under treatment, you might be asked to wear your support hosiery for compression to treat your affected area better.

If you have been using compression socks earlier, checking if they still have enough compression left is better. Your surgeon will also guide you in this regard from where you can buy the appropriate compression stockings for yourself.

You should avoid medications and antibiotics like ibuprofen, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs for at least two days after the surgery. You should also avoid activities that provide hot temperatures like saunas, hot baths, and extreme exposure to sunlight.

Spider Vein Removal – What to Expect: Conclusion

Sclerotherapy is the most used and safest spider vein removal treatment, providing around 80% effectiveness. If you want to remove your spider veins, get in touch with our experts at The Vein Treatment Center ©. We would love to hear from you!

The Vein Treatment Center ©
327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065

Can You Remove Unsightly Veins on the Face?

Can you remove unsightly veins on the face? Unwanted or unsightly veins commonly appear on your face or legs. These colored, web-shaped veins called spider veins do not cause any symptoms. Up to 60% of people develop these twisted blood vessels. If you notice these veins on your face, you can visit a vein treatment doctor and make them disappear. In this article, we will discuss some common causes and treatments of spider veins.

Can You Remove Unsightly Veins on the Face

Remove Unsightly Veins on the Face: Causes of Spider Veins

You may develop these broken web-shaped veins at any age. Because there are numerous causes for the development of spider veins you cannot prevent them from appearing. However, you can remove them from your face and another part of the body. Here are some causes of these broken blood vessels:

1.     Genes

If spider or varicose veins run in your family, you have a higher chance of developing them.

2.     Sun Exposure

Continuous sun exposure can damage your skin and blood vessels expanding these veins.

3.     Changes in Weather

Sudden changes in the weather can also cause these veins to appear on your skin. Changing weather can affect your blood circulation bursting these vessels.

4.     Changes in Pressure

Your vessels may also break down due to change in pressure. For instance, when you suddenly vomit or sneeze, your body experiences excess pressure, which causes spider veins.

5.     Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body experiences hormonal changes. This can result in vessels breaking beneath the skin on the face and other body parts. However, in this condition, the spider veins vanish after the delivery.

6.     Environmental Irritants

You may also develop spider veins after exposure to environmental or chemical pollutants that damage the skin. When this happens, your blood vessels become more visible.

7.     Alcohol Consumption

When your alcohol consumption is higher, your blood vessels may break down showing spider veins on the face.

8.     Injuries

Development of the bruise on the head can also cause spider veins to appear. However, when your body heals from a bruise, the veins will disappear.

Remove Unsightly Veins on the Face: Treatment for Spider Veins

When you will visit a professional doctor for spider veins, they will diagnose the location and condition of the vein. Furthermore, they will observe if the varicose veins are feeding these network-shaped vessels or they are appearing for any other reason. They will properly examine the veins to understand the underlying cause. After diagnosis, they will suggest a treatment option suitable for your condition. Numerous treatments are available for the treatment of varicose veins. Here are two major types of treatments:

1.     Sclerotherapy

In this treatment, a vein treatment doctor will insert a sclerotherapy solution in the body using an injection. They will directly introduce the foam in the spider veins instantly closing them. In some conditions, the veins may take time to disappear. The injected solution will seal the vein under the skin clear up your skin. This method of treating spider veins does not include any side effects. However, some people claim that they experience a little discomfort and pain during the procedure.

2.     Laser Therapy

You can also undergo laser therapy for removing spider veins from the face. In this treatment, the surgeon will use a laser beam to disappear the spider veins. However, simple laser treatment may also damage your skin. The recovery from this treatment may take some time and you need to take some precautionary measures. For instance, frequent sun exposure may develop patches on the skin.

Can You Remove Unsightly Spider Veins on the Face

Home Remedies for Spider Veins

You can also try home remedies for removing spider veins. However, these treatment methods may not work for everyone. These remedies do not include side effects to the body and are safe to use. Before, using these remedies you should consult a vein treatment doctor:

1.     Avoid Hot Water

Because your face skin is delicate, excessive heat exposure can break the blood vessels. Therefore, you should avoid washing your face with hot water. If you already developed spider veins on your face, you can use warm or cold water to wash your face. That way you can avoid any further damage and let the vessels disappear naturally.

2.     Cold Compress

You can apply a bag of frozen peas or ice pack on the spider veins especially when you reach home after excessive sun exposure. Applying cold compress you can reduce the development of these network-like bulgy vessels on the face.

3.     Aloe Vera

A gel extracted from the aloe vera plant can remove the spider veins from your skin. Apart from that, it reduces the redness of the skin. You can also use medicinal cream such as hydrocortisone. The side effect of this cream is that it dries out your skin cells. Therefore, you should moisturize your skin every time you apply this cream to your face.

Can you Remove Unsightly Veins on the Face? Conclusion

When you develop unwanted spider veins on your face, you should visit a vein specialist to have them removed. The Vein Treatment Center will help diagnose the condition and suggest the best treatment. Visit our clinic and speak to an experienced surgeon about your condition. Contact us at 212-249-6117 and make an appointment with the experts in our clinic.

What are Spider Vein Symptoms?

Spider Vein Symptoms

What are Spider Vein Symptoms? Spider veins are tiny and thin veins that appear on the surface of the skin. These veins are web-shaped and bluish in color. These veins can be red, blue, or purple in color, and they branch out under the skin. Most people refer to this condition as thread veins. There are numerous ways you can try to reduce the appearance of these veins. In this article, you will find the causes and treatment behind these abnormal veins.

Spider vein symptoms, risk factors & treatment

Causes of Spider Veins

The spider veins often appear on the lower legs when the valves in your veins fail to function properly. Veins are responsible for carrying the blood straight to the heart. However, damaged valves can cause blood to flow backward. This stops the blood from passing any further, and it pools around the same vein.

When the valve is weak and damaged, the blood will not follow the right direction. Sometimes, it pools inside the veins, which start to bulge as they stretch. This is how spider veins occur.

Sometimes, people may experience spider veins on the face. This can be irritating and negatively affects the appearance. This mostly happens due to sun damage or pressure inside the veins.

Varicose Veins vs. Spider Veins

While both these conditions are different, they are similar in the way that they signal inefficiency of the venous system. The most common location for both conditions is the legs. Both conditions have similar reasons for developing as well. Weak or damaged veins can cause varicose veins and spider veins. The conditions differ in the symptoms and appearance that people experience. Spider veins can be large and include a vast network of veins that stop working normally. Here are some of the symptoms of Spider Veins when the situation gets severe:

  • Bleeding
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tingling
  • Tightness

Risk factors of Spider Veins

Below, you will find some factors that put a person at a higher risk for developing this condition:

·       Genetics

Around 90 percent of people suffer from spider veins because of their genetic history (Source).

·       Gender

Spider veins are more common in women than men (Source).

·       Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, an increase in body weight adds additional pressure on the leg veins. This can potentially lead to spider veins. However, it is not necessary that all pregnant women suffer from this condition.

·       Obesity

Similarly, obesity can also be the reason for developing spider veins. Excessive weight will exert more pressure on the veins. This can damage the valves in your veins, reducing functional effectiveness.

·       Age Factor

When you are getting old, you start to lose excessive fat. This can make your skin thinner, making your veins seem more prominent.

Spider Vein Symptoms & Treatment

Treatment for Spider Veins

Spider veins are harmless, but you might experience a lot of discomfort. However, some people might also lose their confidence suffering from this venous condition. That is why many people want to remove these veins, so their skin appears clean and perfect. Here are some of the spider vein treatment options that you can try:

1.    Compression Stocking

You can use tight socks or compression stockings to remove the pressure on your veins.

2.    Sclerotherapy

In this condition, a professional doctor will inject you with a solution or foam with a mixture of chemicals that damage the cells inside the walls of the skin. After targeting the cells that make up the walls of the veins, the blood vessel will scar and close, extracting the blood. When this happens, the tissue starts to absorb the veins. Gradually after weeks and months, you will get rid of that vein.

3.    Laser treatment

This is an invasive treatment and requires anesthesia for the procedure. There are two main types of treatments, and both require laser technology to create heat. If your veins are smaller or 3 mm away from the skin, the doctor will use simple laser treatment, which includes a strong beam of light. Furthermore, it removes the dryness and blood clotting.

Spider Vein Symptoms: Conclusion

If you are looking for a clinic to treat your venous conditions in New York City, visit our clinic. We use advanced technology to remove prominent veins while avoiding any complications. Our experienced and certified doctors will diagnose your condition closely and help you decide the best treatment option.

To set up a 30-45 minute free consultation, contact us at 212-249-6117.