Welcome to The Vein Treatment Center

Established in 1982, The Vein Treatment Center © is the leading New York City medical facility specializing exclusively in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, and related venous disorders.

The methods developed at the facility, including Endonvenous Laser Ablation (EVLT) and now Painless Sclerotherapy, have revolutionized the specialty and are used by physicians worldwide.



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Meet Dr. Navarro

Dr. Luis Navarro, a Board Certified Phlebologist and vascular specialist, has devoted his professional life to the development of treatments for venous disorders. He has pioneered numerous non-invasive procedures, including EVLT, Combined Therapies, and now PAINLESS SCLEROTHERAPY.

About Dr. Navarro About the VTC

Painless Sclerotherapy

Advancements in technology have revolutionized Sclerotherapy and the treatment of veins on legs, hands and other areas of the body. The Vein Treatment Center has been treating veins for over 30 years with safe, fast, and long lasting cosmetic results.

Sclerotherapy Vein Treatments

Before & After Photos

View our before and after photo galleries that show the results of vein treatments on the legs, hands, face & more.

See for yourself why The Vein Treatment Center is the NYC leader in treating and removing unwanted varicose veins, spider veins, and all venous conditions.

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Tag Archives: Causes of Varicose Veins

Top Causes of Varicose Veins

What are varicose veins and what causes them? Varicose veins are swollen and large veins that often become visible on the feet and legs. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins stop working properly. Due to which, the blood does not flow efficiently. Veins rarely require treatment for health concerns, but if you are experiencing aching, swelling, and pain in your legs, there are considerable treatments available for you.

Usually, varicose veins are known as bluish and bulging cords beneath the surface of your skin. They nearly affect legs and feet all the time. You may find visible twisted and swollen veins with some patches of flooded capillaries. These types of veins are known as spider veins and consider as external varicose veins. Although they can be painful and leave scars, they are typically harmless.

Other than a surface network of veins, your legs contain deep and venous network. On unusual occasions, inner leg veins become varicose. Such deep varicose veins are generally invisible, but they can cause aching or swelling all over the leg and might be in places where the blood clot is formed.

However, varicose veins are quite a common condition among people, and for several people, they are a family attribute. Women are approximately twice as likely as men to develop varicose veins.

what are the causes of varicose veins?

Causes Of Varicose Veins

The circulation of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to every part of the body might face difficulty due to wide layers of elastic tissue or muscle in your arteries. Your veins mostly depend on their surrounding muscles and one-way valves to bring blood back to your heart.

A cup-like valve alternately opens and allows blood to flow through. After the flowing of blood is complete, the valve closes itself to prevent backflow. Any sort of condition that lay excessive pressure on your abdomen or legs can cause varicose veins.

People with obesity, pregnant, and follows a routine where they work while standing for a long time are more at risk. Varicose veins are also common in tumor patients and people suffering from chronic constipation. Being inactive also leads towards varicosity because your muscles that are steady in a single position for a long time can cause poor blood-pumping action.

As your veins weaken with age, the possibility of varicosity also increases. A previous leg injury possibly will damage the valves in a vein and cause you varicosity. Your family history also plays a vital role, so if any family member of yours has  or had varicose veins at any stage of their life, there is a large possibility that you might, too.

Some people believe that if you sit with your legs crossed you may not get varicose veins, although it can make worse your existing condition. The blood in your body flows in only one direction because the veins have one-way valves. The valves might get weaker due to less elasticity and flexibility around the walls of the vein. Eventually, the blood flows in the opposite direction due to the damaged valve. These damaged valves can allow blood to leak backward.

When this happens, blood can gather in the vein/s. As a result, the veins become enlarged and swollen. However, the veins in your legs are quite far from your heart because these veins are often affected.

According to experts, gravity makes it a bit difficult for blood to flow back to the heart from the lower area of your body, such as legs. Any situation that puts pressure on your stomach can cause varicose veins, for example, constipation, pregnancy, and tumors.

Symptoms Of Varicose Veins

In the majority of varicose veins cases, you might not feel any pain, but symptoms and signs of varicose veins may occur. However, the following are the symptoms/signs of varicose veins:

  • Veins look swollen, twisted, and bulging.
  • Your veins will turn into a blue or dark purple.

Some patients might also experience:

  • Aching in legs
  • Legs suffer from a heavy feeling, especially right after exercise.
  • Slight damage to the affected area might result in abnormal bleeding.
  • Lipodermatosclerosis – The fat below your skin and just above the ankle can become hard. Due to which your skin will start shrinking.
  • Your ankles will become swollen.
  • The affected area of your skin will suffer from itchiness, dryness, and become reddish.
  • Some of you will experience cramps on your affected leg.


Fortunately, treatment for your varicose veins will not restrict you to stay in the hospital because admitting in the hospital can result in uncomfortable recovery. Generally, varicose veins are quite easy to treat, especially on an outpatient basis, because of less invasive procedures. However, doctors often recommend self-care and compression stockings as a treatment after operating.

Top causes of varicose veins - Best Vein Treatment NYC


Self-care includes exercise, losing weight, wear loose clothes, uplifting of your legs, and avoid standing or sitting for long periods. As a result, you will experience and ease in pain and stop varicose veins from getting worse.

Compression stockings

Doctors recommend compression stockings, and wearing them all day is often the primary approach before preferring other treatments. They gradually squeeze your legs; help your leg muscles and veins in circulating blood more efficiently. The compression level varies by type and brand.

Call The Vein Treatment Center © in NYC To Treat Your Varicose Veins

Dr. Luis Navarro, Inventor of the patented painless sclerotherapy varicose veins treatment, is the leading expert in New York city in diagnosing and treating venous conditions. Call for a free consultation today:

327 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065
